Please review common questions and mediation and Conflict Resolution Services below. If you have a question not answered, there is an email address at the bottom of the page to contact CRS.

Why should I try mediation?

Mediation is non-confrontational. The participants are working together to find a solution, rather than working against each other.

You will have the opportunity to explain the situation from your own point of view and to hear the others participants’ explanations from their points of view. Mediation can be held to accommodate your schedule. Everything said at mediation is confidential. Unlike the courts where one person must lose, mediation is a “win/win” situation. The goal is to reach an agreement that is satisfactory to everyone. About 80% of all mediations end in an agreement. It also often serves as a deterrent to future disputes between the participants.

How is a mediation set up?

For a self-refferred case, call or complete the mediation request form to provide us with some basic information. We then contact the other party and ask if he or she is willing to try mediation. Unless court ordered, mediation is a voluntary process, so we cannot force anyone to participate. However, once we explain the process and people understand the benefits, they usually want to resolve the dispute quickly and affordably through mediation.

When a case is court ordered, we will follow the above described process. However, in these cases, the parties must participate in mediation. If someone refuses to do so, CRS notifies the court of that individual’s decision, and the court may find her/him in contempt of court

Already faced with a Court action? CRS can help reduce the time, cost, and adversarial effects of your law suit.

Who are the mediators?

CRS mediators are impartial volunteers with diverse backgrounds who have completed state-approved, intensive training. Dedicated to neutrality, they facilitate the conversation, encourage people to hear each other, and help participants brainstorm solutions.

A CRS mediator has a very critical role in resolving conflict between parties. The CRS mediator is neutral, refrains from decision making or judging, ensures equality among disputants, generates movement when at an impasse, recognizes and halts manipulation by disputants, and knows that “no agreement” is better than a “forced agreement.”

CRS mediators are extensively trained in dispute resolution, and each must continue to meet the Accreditation and Re-Accreditation Guidelines enforced by the organization.

Learn more about becoming a mediator with CRS. Call us at 231.941.5835 or send an e-mail to

Is mediation a legal process?

It is a DISPUTE RESOLUTION PROCESS. While many courts often refer or order parties in a lawsuit to participate, mediation is not a legal proceeding over which the court presides. However, there is legislation that spells out guidelines for mediation, such as confidentiality. The ultimate goal of mediation is to reach a mutually acceptable written agreement that the parties involved in the dispute sign. That signed agreement serves as a legally binding document.

If your question was not answered, please email it to Please remember that CRS Staff CANNOT provide legal advice.