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Why Schools Care so Much About Truancy and How Restorative Justice Programs Can Help

From the school’s perspective, state funding is based on the average daily attendance at a school. So more absences mean less in the budget for essential classroom supplies and programs. But more important than the budget is the future success of the students. 

According to a report by physicians at Council on School Health, “Chronic school absenteeism, starting as early as preschool and kindergarten, puts students at risk for poor school performance and school dropout.” And for older students, being chronically absent has been found to be associated with low grades and test scores, increased suspensions, and higher high school dropout rates—which can make it harder to succeed professionally in the future. 

From a social and psychological standpoint, school helps young people create relationships with peers and adults, and missing a large number of days makes it hard to build a sense of community and belonging, and feeling out of the loop and/or left out may make them feel more disinclined to return to school. 

Why are Students Missing School? 

There are many reasons a student may be absent, and understanding what’s causing the truancy or chronic absenteeism is important to find a solution. According to Attendance Works, there are four broad categories as to why a student may become truant: 

Barriers: This can take the form of anything from a serious illness, situation at home or lack of transportation or tech to housing/food insecurity.  

Aversion: This is when the student is experiencing things like anxiety, academic/behavioral struggles, bullying, or an undiagnosed disability that make the learning environment unpleasant.

Disengagement: Not being stimulated by school can mean they’re not challenged, bored, lack of support from and/or meaningful relationships with teachers and staff, or even work conflicts for high school students. 

Misconceptions: Some students and parents are unaware of the consequences and think only unexcused absences are a problem, that a couple days gone won’t affect learning, and that attendance is only important for older students. 

How Can Restorative Justice Help with Truancy?

While truancy can have many causes and negative consequences, simply sending a truancy officer to the home and demanding your child returns to school isn’t always the best solution. At CRS, we offer restorative justice services that involve working with the school to get to the root cause of the problem and collaboratively work to find a long-term solution. 

At its core, restorative justice takes a completely different approach than what you might think of in terms of “justice.” Rather than focusing on a “punishment,” restorative justice aims to understand and respond to the needs of each involved party, taking into account every unique situation and the contributing factors. 

For example, instead of immediately punishing a truant student, we may work with all parties and ask questions as to why this has become repeated behavior. Maybe it’s because they’re being bullied but are too scared to tell anyone, or that they don’t have a stable home situation and are scared to leave a parent home alone during the day. 

By bringing those involved together in a safe and voluntary dialogue with well-trained facilitators, restorative justice creates an opportunity for the needs of the student, the families, and the school to be met in a more “human” form of resolution. When the student feels their concerns are being heard—and that their actions have serious consequences—they may be more inclined to stay in school and avoid repeating the situation in the future. 

We’re Here for Students, Families, and Schools

At CRS, our goal is to ensure every student feels safe, welcomed, and challenged in school, which can help set them up for both personal and professional growth in the future. If your child is facing truancy issues and you would like to explore how mediation and restorative justice may help, reach out to our staff today

What is Child Protection Mediation?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in every seven children in the U.S. experiences abuse or neglect every year—a number they say is likely underestimated due to unreported cases. These children not only suffer physical and emotional effects, but they’re also at an increased risk of future additional victimization, substance abuse and changes in brain development that can lead to learning difficulties and limited career opportunities.

In order to protect these children, they’re often removed from their homes and placed in a safer environment, but it’s not an easy process. Court cases can be stressful, expensive and lengthy, and often do nothing to address the root of the issue and work towards change and reconciliation. That’s where child protection mediation can step in.

What is Child Protection Mediation?

When allegations of child abuse and/or neglect result in children being removed from a home, it triggers a series of complex steps to ensure those innocent children are placed in a safe, permanent environment that’s in their best interest. While that’s the end goal, it often involves a diverse group of adults—biological parents, foster parents, attorneys and child protection professionals—making communication difficult.

Child protection mediation involves using a neutral third party—a specially trained mediator—to help everyone involved collaborate to find a mutually agreeable, beneficial solution for the children. Instead of working against each other, the confidential process of meditation is non-confrontational and allows all sides to share their perspectives and input on what they feel is best for the child.

Not only is this faster and less expensive than resolving conflicts in the courts, but it keeps the focus on the most important issue at hand—positive outcomes for the child, and hopefully a new path of resolution, rehabilitation and reconciliation for the families.

The Child Protection Mediation Process

The child protection mediation process may vary based on the allegations and the courts. If it’s decided that mediation is appropriate for the dispute, there is a general set of steps that can be taken. A specially trained mediator will first explain their role, the goals, and ground rules, including the fact that you’re there to work cooperatively toward a resolution, and not to assign blame.

Each party will then have the opportunity to explain their perspective on the child protection dispute, the consequences this situation has had on the child and what they feel would be the best resolution for all involved. The mediator will guide the conversation in an impartial way that ensures both sides have time to make their voices heard without being interrupted. Mediated issues might also include conditions the parents must satisfy or services they will use before the children can return home, such as child care options, parenting classes and rehabilitation programs.

When there are no outstanding questions, the mediator will shift the conversation to reaching a solution and terms of the agreement. While the goal is often to create a plan that ends with reunifying the family and finding the best placement for the child until that can happen, that reconciliation isn’t always possible. In those situations, the goal then shifts to finding a new long-term placement that’s the safest, most suitable for the child.

When resolution is reached, the terms of the agreement will be written down and signed by all parties. The signed agreement is then sent to the courts to be incorporated into an order.

The Benefits of Child Protection Mediation

Mediation is unique in that the resolution allows all parties to walk away with a win, whereas in the courts there’s often a clear winner and loser. It facilitates non-confrontational communication between families, foster parents, relatives, and others involved in the case. One of the key benefits of mediation is that it’s participatory and gives parents that opportunity to contribute to the conversation, process and resolution, often resulting in fresh perspectives and a solution that benefits all those involved—especially the children.

The benefits of child protection mediation include:

  • Opportunity to learn more about their behavior and examine possible solutions, without a focus on blame.
  • Less expensive and time-consuming than the courts.
  • Increases understanding of what’s best for the child.
  • Reduces conflict between the parents and professionals.
  • Increases the ability of the child’s care team to work together effectively.
  • Opens up the lines of communication between all involved.
  • Improves the quality of and adherence to the agreement due to greater input from
    all parties.

We’re Here to Help Families Work Together

Safety, support and a stress-free place to call home are things that every child not only needs, but that they deserve. By using child protection mediation services to collaboratively resolve disputes, you have the opportunity to reach a more cohesive solution and foster a more positive relationship going forward, never losing sight of what’s really important—what’s best for the kids.

Reach out to Conflict Resolution Services at 231-941-5835 or casemanager@crsmediationtc.org. We’re here to help.

Mother with female child

Additional Resource Available to Parents of Children with Special Needs through Special Education Mediation Services

Whether you’re a parent or an educator, your goal is to meet the emotional, physical, and educational needs of each student, and that requires good communication between everyone that’s involved. However, there are times when challenges will require additional support to help parents and schools find common ground to meet the educational needs of the student. When you need to resolve a dispute, manage complex meetings, or improve the relationship with the school team, the answer may just be special education mediation. 

Conflict Resolution Services provides Special Education mediation free of charge for Antrim, Benzie, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Missaukee, and Wexford counties’ schools and residents through the Special Education Mediation Program. These services are federally funded through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and paid for by a grant from the Michigan Office of Special Education.

What are Special Education Mediation Services? 

Special Education Mediation Services (SEMS) are an effective way to help support cooperation and teamwork between those who are directly involved in the students’ education and well-being. The overall goal — to improve educational outcomes — involves using a neutral third-party, specially trained mediator to help parents and educators collaborate to find a mutually agreeable, beneficial solution. 

Mediation is non-confrontational and a way of working together to find a solution, rather than working against each other. Both sides have an opportunity to share their view on the situation, contribute ideas, and provide feedback in a confidential setting. Not only does this help to resolve issues quickly and avoid lengthy and costly court proceedings, but it keeps the focus on what’s important — positive outcomes for the child. 

Benefits of Special Education Mediation Services

When faced with a challenge regarding your child’s educational services and outcomes, special education mediation services can help in a variety of ways.

Resolve disagreements

Both educators and parents are busy and under a lot of pressure to handle a wide range of complex, often difficult special education issues, and it can understandably get emotional. A trained special education mediator can provide a safe, neutral environment to guide the conversation and ensure all parties have equal opportunity to express their point of view. They also keep everyone on topic, and help identify and evaluate options to resolve the dispute and create a legally enforceable agreement regarding the solution. 

Mediation results in a 70-80% agreement rate, and the speed of mediation as opposed to the courts means students benefit from those solutions in a more timely fashion without the constraints of state complaint and due process timelines. This means both more time and money can be spent on educating — which is the ultimate goal. 

Manage complex meetings

Planning the educational services for students often requires a variety of meetings, whether that’s about IEP, IFSP, BIP, MET, MDR or planning a conference. If any of the participants are uneasy about a meeting or the relationship between caregivers and educators is strained in any way, participants can request a neutral, third-party mediator to facilitate the meeting process. 

The facilitator can create an agenda based on the participant’s input, and they’re trained to keep the conversation on track and on topic, centered on the needs of the student, while helping to negotiate disagreements without taking sides. 

Training to improve communication and relationships

Mediation services can greatly help to improve communication between parents and educators, but it’s also important to learn collaborative communication and dispute resolution techniques so that all parties can more effectively make decisions going forward — and hopefully avoid future disagreements.

Skills like active listening, empathy, and framing issues in a neutral fashion can help to promote collaboration, but they’re not always the easiest skills to understand or implement. SEMS offers a variety of workshops that can be adapted to the unique needs of your situation, including: 

  • Dispute Resolution Options in Special Education 
  • Conflict Resolution and Communication in Special Education 
  • Discipline for Students with Disabilities 
  • Effective IEP Team Meeting Participation Techniques 
  • How to Develop Trusting Relationships Between Families and Schools 
  • How to Communicate with the Most Challenging Personalities 

SEMS provides the materials and trainers at no cost to organizations that work with special education students. The only thing the hosting organization has to do is arrange the location, promotion, registration, and provide refreshments. 

Interested in Special Education Mediation Services? 

The use of these no-cost services allows parents and educators to spend less time, energy, and money on resolving disagreements and more time focused on positive educational outcomes and the growth of the students. 

For more information, please call 833-KIDS 1ST or 833-543-7178 or visit mikids1st.org. Requests for services are processed through the SEMS central office with local service delivery coordinated by Conflict Resolution Services.