BHMS Advanced Mediator Training


This training will be held virtually using ZOOM and will be hosted by Oakland Mediation Center. Megan McCoy will be the trainer for these sessions. The 4-hour advanced mediator training session will provide an opportunity to hear about Behavioral Health Intake Protocols and updates to develop your mediation skills. *Must have previously taken the full […]

40-hour General Civil Mediator Training


Supreme Court Administrative Office approved General/Civil mediation training Tuesday, October 22 - Friday, October 25 & Tuesday, October 29 - Friday, November 1 9:00 a.m - 4:00 p.m. each day Contact us to learn how to get the cost of this training and required observation hours covered!


40-Hour General Civil Mediator Training


This State Court Administrative Office (SCAO) approved training is designed to teach participants the skills necessary to act as mediators in facilitating the resolution of disputes. This training is the first step for any individual who wishes to mediate privately or qualify for the circuit court roster approved list of mediators. Participants will receive a […]
